1. Provide RTC clock with CR1220 3V Backup Battery.
2. Provide 2 switches control 2 sets traffic light (python program available).
3. Provide RFID & NRF24L01 socket ( both use SPI signal)
4. Provide 2 extra I2C devices input port:one for 3.3V, the other one for 5V (with Logic Level converter)
5. Provide 3.3V power regulator for 3.3V device ( RFID/ NRF24L01) I2C device
6. Provide DS18B20 temperature sensor socket (GPIO 4)
7. Provide IR receiver sensor socket (GPIO 23)
8. Provide IR PIR motion sensor socket (GPIO 23)
9. Provide 2 x 5V 28BYJ-48 step motor socket (5V can select from Pi or external)
(GPIO 17,18,27,22) step motor 1,
(GPIO 23,24,25,4) step motor 2
10. Provide 1 buzzer (GPIO 24)
11. Provide 2 sets traffic light
First set :Red (GPIO 19), Yellow(GPIO 13), Green (GPIO 12) ,Switch 1(GPIO 20)
Second set : Red (GPIO 16), Yellow(GPIO 21), Green (GPIO 26) ,Switch 2(GPIO 6)
1. DS18B20 Temperature sensor x1
2. NRF24L01 Transceiver x1
3. RFID Reader Kits ( 1x Rs-Pi RFID Reader, 1x S50 Fudan Card , 1x Key Chains )
4. IR remote control x1
5. IR Receiver Sensor x1
6. 5V 28BYJ-48 Step Motor x1
7. DC 5V Micro Fan x1
8. IR PIR Motion Sensor x1
1x 樹莓派多功能自動控制學習擴充板-V1(附配件包)
1x Manual