
樹莓派輕便型不斷電系統擴充模組(PiJuice, Portable Pi UPS Platform)

NT$ 2,388 (含稅)


相容Raspberry Pi A+/B+/2B/3B//3B+/4B




樹莓派輕便型不斷電系統擴充模組(PiJuice, Portable Pi UPS Platform)

As one of the smallest systems around there are so many amazing things you could do with the Raspberry Pi if it was self-powered and portable. Introducing PiJuice! A fully uninterruptible power supply that will always keep your Raspberry Pi powered.

The real time clock (RTC) on board will let your Pi know what time it is even with no power input or internet connection. Alongside this is an integrated microcontroller (MCU) chip which will manage soft shut down functionality and a true low power deep sleep state and intelligent startup.

You will be able to always keep track of the charge levels and other info with the two built-in tri-coloured RGB LEDs, trigger events and scripts with the three programmable buttons and since the PiJuice will use up to just five of your GPIO pins (just power and I2C), the rest are free to diversify your project. The stacking header allows you to continue to use your existing HATs and add-ons with PiJuice.

Keep your Raspberry Pi running with solar, wind and other renewable power.

Ultimate integrated power is one thing but what if we could make the Raspberry Pi renewably powered too? Solar, wind, thermoelectric and other renewable power is free, clean, and green and we’re proud to have developed an affordable and efficient renewable power solution for the Raspberry Pi!

PiJuice is self-monitoring and, like a space satellite, can become a completely autonomous system. Use the PiJuice as part of an autonomous camera system, weather stations, off-grid desktops, and so many other great outdoor projects.

PiJuice Features:

  • Onboard 1820 mAh “off the shelf” Lipo / LiIon battery for ~4 to 6 hours in constant use! (with support for larger Lipo Battery of 5000 or 10,000 mAH+ to last up to 24 hrs +)
  • A Full Uninterrupted / Uninterruptible Power Supply solution.
  • Designed for the Raspberry Pi A+, B+, 2B ,3B ,3B+ and 4B but also compatible with Raspberry Pi Zero v1.3 and Wireless.
  • Integrated Real Time Clock
  • Onboard intelligent on/off switch
  • Low power deep-sleep state with wake on interrupt/calendar event
  • Programmable multi-colored RGB led (x2) and buttons (x3) with super simple user-configurable options
  • Hardware watchdog timer to keep your Raspberry Pi on and working in mission-critical remote applications
  • Full power management API available to Raspberry Pi OS with auto shutdown capability when running low on batteries
  • Raspberry Pi HAT compatible layout, with onboard EEPROM for easy plug and play operation
  • Low profile design to fit inside lots of existing Raspberry Pi cases!
  • Enhanced graphical user interface (GUI) available for easy install (via APT)
  • Customisable scripts for enhanced flexibility and full report of battery status
  • All GPIOs available via stackable header for ease of expandability and connectivity
  • Charge via on-board micro USB or via the Raspberry Pi micro USB (or from onboard pin headers)
  • Batteries can be charged from different type of sources and voltages
  • Replace the battery without downtime. Compatible with any single cell LiPo or LiIon battery
  • Fully CE and FCC tested design. Battery safety tested also.

Technical Information

  • The EEPROM can be disabled and its I2C address changed for increased compatibility with other boards
  • BP7X battery – original battery from Motorola Droid 2 (A955) – 1820mAh battery
  • Microcontroller is an ST Micro STM32F030CCT6 ARM Cortex-M0, 48MHz, F64KB, R8KB, I2C, SPI, USART, 2.4-3.6V
  • Charge IC – BQ24160RGET Charger IC Lithium-Ion/Polymer, 2.5A, 4.2-10V
  • Fuel gauge IC – LC709203FQH-01TWG Battery Fuel Gauge, 1-Cell Li-ion, 2.8%
  • EEPROM – CAT24C32WI-GT3 EEPROM, I2C, 32KBIT, 400KHZ, 1V7-5V5
  • Optional spring pin – Mil-Max 0929-7-15-20-77-14-11-0
  • Compatible with any 4 pin battery on board that can be used with 00-9155-004-742-006 battery contacts from AVX including the BP7X, BP6X, and any compatible batteries including the 1600mAh and 2300mAh ones from CameronSino (CS-MOA853SL and CS-MOA855XL)
  • There is an on board 4 pin screw terminal block for larger off board batteries. Any single cell LiPo / LiIon is compatible. However, you use your own sourced battery at your own risk. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND using a battery with an internal protection circuit and a NTC (temp sensor)
  • Optional header for offboard button – connected to same output as SW1
  • 6 pin breakout header – with two GPIO from the ARM Cortex-M0, Vsys, 5v0, 3v3, GND connections
  • Header for optional off board solar panel / wind turbine etc.
  • Optional RF Shield attachment – Harwin S02-20150300 (can also double as an inexpensive heatsink)
  • Input voltage range – 4.2V – 10V
  • Output voltage – 3.3V and 5V
  • Output amperage – maximum current at 5V gpio is 2.5A and at VSYS output 2.1A, but also this depends heavily on battery capacity. For BP7X have measured around 1.1A at 5V GPIO and around 1.6A at VSYS output. Obviously, this also depends heavily on the current draw demanded by the Raspberry Pi/device itself. To achieve a maximum of 2.5A it will need battery over 3500mAh.
  • Boxed weight – 96g
  • Boxed dimensions – 12.2 x 10.8 x 3.5 cm
  • Unboxed weight – 57g
  • Unboxed dimensions – 6.5 x 5.6 x 2 cm

PiJuice HAT box contains

  • 1 x PiJuice HAT
  • 1 x Battery and battery surround
  • 1 x PiJuice guide
  • 4 x Mounting posts attached to PiJuice
  • 8 x Mounting screws (4 are already assembled to the board)
  • 1 x Pogo pin
  • 3 x Stickers
  1. 安裝前須將開關切到 OFF 關閉電源,否則容易短路。
  2. 安裝完成確保頂針完全對準排針後再打開電源。
  3. 頂針不導通可以壓一下頂針再鬆開或者用刀劃掉排針的氧化層。
  4. 首次連接電池需要注意 WARNING LED 燈是否亮起,如果 LED 燈亮起,則表示對應的電池接反了,電池接反的情況下禁止充電。
  5. 首次連接電池有可能會沒有電源輸出,需要按一下 BOOT 啟動按鍵或者充一下電啟動電池保護晶片,才會有電源輸出。電源開關需要切到 ON 的位置。
  6. 長時間工作大電流建議不要超過 4A,長時間工作在 5A 狀態下會發熱升溫,注意散熱。
  7. 要使用產品配置的電源充電,使用其他電源有可能輸出電源不穩定導致產品損壞。
  8. 電池正極絕緣墊如果弄掉或壞了,建議不要繼續使用,容易導致短路起火,拆電池時切忌用螺絲起子撬電池正極,容易導致短路,要撬要撬電池負級。


A:快充電源插在模組的 USB Type C 埠上,而不是樹莓派的 USB Type C 埠,



A:更換電池後需要先充電或者按 BOOT 按鍵激活電池保護電路,開關切換到 ON 即可輸出。


Q:輸出電流多少?(For UPS-D)

A:電池滿電狀態且連接充電電源,輸出電流大概 4A 左右,電池電壓越低輸出電流越小,當電流不足就會自動斷電,如果連接大功率負載可能會出現電流不足、升壓不穩定,導致樹莓派不斷重新開機。



A:剩餘電量是透過電池電壓判斷大概電量,充電時電壓會比電池實際電壓高一些,所以插上電源瞬間電壓會跳變。理想充滿電為 4.2V,實際充滿電後電壓可能會有回落,電壓比 4.2V要低一些。



A:21700 鋰電池,外徑 21mm,高度 70.0mm。標準電壓 3.7V,充滿電電壓 4.2V。








Q:Pi 5 提示功率不足,限制電流輸出

A:Pi 5 會檢測 USB 電源的功率,不是用 USB 供電的情況下,會出現限流情況。可以在 /boot/firmware/config.txt 檔案中增加以下指令



    1. 鋰聚合物和鋰離子電池很不穩定,如果充電或使用不當,可能引起火災,導致人身傷害和財產損失。
    2. 對電池組充電和放電時,切勿正負極接反。
    3. 請勿選用其他劣質充電器或充電板充電。
    4. 請勿混用和使用舊電池和新電池,避免使用其他品牌電池。
    5. 若需另購鋰電池產品,需確保電池規格與鋰電池擴充模組相容,建議採用正規廠商電池較佳,切需要執行老化測試,確保鋰電池能夠穩定安全工作。
    6. 鋰電池具有循環壽命,請在達到使用壽命或使用兩年時(先到為準),將舊電池更換為新電池。
    7. 請妥善放置電池類產品,遠離易燃易爆類物品,遠離兒童,避免因保管不慎,引發安全事故。
